How to make multigrain veg soup
Multigrain soup is a wholesome starchy soup prepared by cooking mixed whole grains with the choice of vegetables.
This multigrain soup includes all the goodness of a variety of local grains and vegetables with the soothing effects of mild spices. Moreover, this soup will be more like a grain porridge if you just skip vegetables and use salt for taste. Serve this soup with a fresh bowl of vegetable salad for a perfect brunch or dinner.
If you wish to have crunchy vegetables instead of a fully cooked version, add vegetables at a later stage. Further, soaking the grains for atleast 30 minutes is the best practice before cooking to make them soft.

How healthy this multigrain soup is?
If you are a beginner in weight loss experiments and looking for a low carb yet satisfying fulfilling diet for your dinner this Mixed grains soup is the best choice.
The whole grains we use give all the essential nutrients like complex carbs, protein, vitamins and minerals all in one bowl. Moreover, as an add-on, we also use veggies of our preference.
Furthermore, you can make this with whatever whole grains you have in store. If you prefer a complete gluten-free grain soup, you are free to exclude wheat, barley and rye. Instead choose complex carbs like oats, brown rice, red rice and millets for a gluten-free grain soup.
Can you make this soup dairy-free?
Sure as we don’t use milk or cream to thicken this soup it is already a milk-free soup.
To make it completely a dairy-free soup use oil in place of butter.
The starch from the grains makes it thick enough to get the right consistency hence we don’t need any extra thickeners like corn starch, milk, or cream.
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Multigrain soup | How to make multigrain veg soup
- Sauce pan
- ¾ cup Multi grains (150g- mix of red rice/brown rice/barley/oats/maize/millets/cornmeal)
- 1 tbsp butter
- 3 cups water
- ½ tsp salt to taste
- ½ tsp pepper powder
Chopped veggies:
- 6 garlic pods
- ¼ cup onion
- ¼ cup carrot
- ¼ cup capsicum
- ¼ cup cabbage
- 2 tbsp cilantro leaves
- Chop the vegetables(each 1/4 cup) after cleaning them properly.
- Use any vegetables as you wish except watery vegetables like cucumber, gourd veggies as they become totally mush in the soup.
- Rinse half-cup of mixed grains(multigrain like red rice, millets, barley, maize, corn and oats) thoroughly and soak in clean water for 30mins. The more you soak the soon the grains get cooked.
Recipe for making the multigrain veg soup:
- In a saucepan, heat a tbsp of butter.
- Add fine chop garlic and saute for two minutes.
- Now add the veggies of your choice one by one starting from onions.
- Saute the veggies in butter for two minutes.
- Now add the soaked mix of grains and saute for few seconds.
- Add two to three cups of water and mix.
- Cook the grains and vegetables for ten minutes atleast by stirring occasionally.
- Check the doneness by pressing a hard grain with fingers.
- Cook well until all the grains become soft. Decide the cooking time based on the varieties of grains you use.
- When the soup is cooked well with soft grains season with salt and pepper powder as per taste.
- Finally add cilantro (coriander) leaves, give a quick mix and switch off.
- Serve this soup warm in a bowl for a hearty light dinner.
1) Use mixed grains as per your choice and you can also use only one-grain variety like red or brown rice or millets.
2) Vegetables add extra taste and quality for the soup. Best suited veggies are carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, peas beans, etc.
- Chop the vegetables(each 1/4 cup) after cleaning them properly.
- Use any vegetables as you wish except watery vegetables like cucumber, gourd veggies as they become totally mush in the soup.
- Rinse half-cup of mixed grains(multigrain like red rice, millets, barley, maize, corn and oats) thoroughly and soak in clean water for 30mins. The more you soak the soon the grains get cooked.
Recipe for making the multigrain veg soup:
- In a saucepan, heat a tbsp of butter.
- Add fine chop garlic and saute for two minutes.
- Now add the veggies of your choice one by one starting from onions.
- Saute the veggies in butter for two minutes. Now add the soaked mix of grains and saute for few seconds.
- Add two to three cups of water and mix.
- Cook the grains and vegetables for ten minutes at least, by stirring occasionally.
- Check the doneness by pressing a hard grain with a finger.
- Cook well until all the grains become soft. Decide the cooking time based on the varieties of grains you use.
- When the soup is cooked well with soft grains season with salt and pepper powder as per taste.
- Finally, add cilantro (coriander) leaves, give a quick mix and switch off.
- Serve this soup warm in a bowl for a hearty light dinner.
1) Use mixed grains as per your choice and you can also use only a one-grain variety like red or brown rice or millets.
2) Vegetables add extra taste and quality to the soup. Best suited veggies are carrot, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, peas beans, etc.